Monday, March 2, 2020

A taste of zero waste life since May 2014

Though I had been trained to be an environmental professional, after all these working years, I found making people's lives easier would be far better than condemning people or to make people feel guilty when trying to change their (including my) behaviour or consumption choice.
Purging would definitely be easy. Out of sight, out of mind. Yet, I have to sort my waste and bring them downstairs for bins of different recyclable materials. That's really not enough. I plan to have less waste from the first place, also spend less time and money to refill my consumables as far as possible.
Mooncup did help me to have a simpler life! Just a mooncup, a little pot and a pair of chopsticks for sterilization, a 120ml milk bottle for cleaning in toilet cubicle are all I needed. One mooncup can be used for a decade, which means I need not spare half of my drawer to store the pads, spend a lot of time and money to buy various types of pads (morning and night, high flow or not, cotton or polyester, with or without wings... OMG).
6 months after birth of my little angel, the baby needed to be fed solid food. Searched the market, holy cow! Wide range of products to suit different needs of parents, but not the baby! Plastic vs BPA free plastic, silicon bowl, containers for cold fruits and stainless steel jars for hot foods. I was stunned! Finally I made up my mind. One lunch box to be used until the baby grows to a high school student, that she can still use this to pack her lunch! PlanetBox was my choice, and it still is after I became their consumer for almost two years! My angel now enjoys her snack time every day at kindergarten with snack container from PlanetBox!
The third sweet experience was about stainless steel containers. My kitchen was flood in 20 to 50 plastic boxes for take away food in the past (Yes, being a mom of newborn, I really could not afford cook every meal esp. when my helper was on leave). I didn't want to throw them away with one time use only. So I kept them for buying food from supermarket, putting raw food into the fridge and so on. But I was really tired of matching all those lids with the boxes that could never close properly! Not to mention lots of space were occupied by different shapes and sizes of plastic containers. After using 4 stainless steel containers (2 round and 2 rectangular shape) for buying takeaway, my life was getting much easier. I also brought them along as rice bowls when my family moved to Singapore for the first 12 days that our shipment hasn't yet arrived. Light weighted, air tight, great for food! What else you will ask for? When I took a photo of them, my family including helper thought that I planned to sell them on Carousell and they were about to protest!

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